Retrieving feature requests has been a lengthy and unorganized process with varying outcomes. When it comes to this, businesses typically send cold emails to their clients asking for feedback and then store the responses in spreadsheets with no structure or even structure.

To overcome these problems, choose the most effective tool for feature requests with the following features.

1. User-Friendly Interface

A feature request feature needs to be easy for customers to use. It shouldn’t interfere with the user’s experience and should be seamless alongside other elements of your site’s interface. If your interface is complicated and time-consuming or frustrating, it could be ignored by most users.

It is also a requirement that any feature request tools you select should be in sync with the overall design of your site. This includes the font type color, and the integration will make it appear natural and consistent with your homepage.

2. Prioritizing features

As we’ve discussed previously, the most common method of keeping in mind the features requested by customers is to record the suggestions in the form of an Excel spreadsheet. It eventually leads to several issues, specifically in relation to your business.

If your list of feature requests grows larger, there are a lot of chances of having similar ideas clogging your spreadsheet. That, in turn, can leave you in a hazy circumstance of determining the most sought-after features that you need to concentrate on. As time passes, suggestions grow, and the spreadsheet begins to look like a container where you can throw in any possible features, rendering it ineffective.

The feature request tool you choose should be able to easily organize your customers’ requests for features while combining similar and duplicate ideas on the spot. This tool should also allow users to assign the feature with the highest priority, add tags for better filtering, and then divide the requests into distinct categories.

You can use the three most important metrics to help you sort out feature requests.

2.1. Benefits

Enterprises should also arrange their feature requests based on the advantages each suggestion can bring to them. For example, suppose customers are requesting many different features to save time. In that case, you must be able to categorize and classify them and then design the most efficient time-saving feature requested. This can help you not waste time on features that offer the same benefits.

2.2. Demand

The second method used to arrange feature request collections is through demand. It is based on the number of requests made for a particular feature and demonstrates the need for implementing the feature.

The makeup retailer Sephora identified that one of the customers’ biggest complaints was that they purchased makeup that did not match their skin tone. Thus, Sephora created educational content to help customers make the right choices, resulting in the company’s success. Identifying the most sought-after features will help you make similar well-informed choices.

2.3. Cost

Cost is the main measure. The features requested are sorted by the cost of implementation, which gives an idea of the features to be implemented immediately. Also, which features should you plan for in the future and which ones are so costly that they are not worthwhile to implement? This is a great way to decide the areas to focus on.

3. Easy Communication

You don’t want your customers to feel that their opinion is not being heard. In order to help with this, you can choose your feature collection tools that will make it simple for your customers to get in touch with you. Customers will experience better relationships when you provide individual responses to their feedback, making them feel valued and connected to your company.

The Top Features Request Tools in 2022

There are many toolkits for collecting feature requests on the market at present. Instead, using an Excel spreadsheet with one of these tools will provide you with an easy and comprehensive feature request management system that both you and your customers will enjoy.

  1. Saasfe
  2. User response
  3. Feature Upvote
  4. Shipright
  5. FrontApp

How Saasfe reduces the process of the Feature Request Collection

Saasfe integrates the various components in feature request collections (customer communication and organization, as well as simplicity and integration) into one user-friendly, simple-to-manage application.

A Custom Domain feature is the heart of what allows Saasfe to be an incredibly flexible and user-friendly tool. You can decide precisely where and when the tool will be integrated into your site and the method you use to ask your clients questions.

The most useful option the most beneficial feature is the Project List page, where you can easily organize every feature request with custom labels and filters. For businesses who want to make use of their data, Saasfe provides you with real-time data that gives you more insight into what your customers are looking for.

Pick the best Feature Request Collection Tool today.

Product management professionals can use the most efficient method to collect customer feedback, arrange that feedback, and then create a schedule of action by selecting the top tool for feature requests. If you’re looking to incorporate the top tool for collecting feature requests into your workflow, try for free with Saasfe today.